Independence day of India, 75th celebration |Best Analyze
Independence Day of India, 75th Celebration details about Independence. Analysis of perfect celebrations. Can a common man enjoy? Learn Now.
Yes friends, this is not about the Indian Independence, alone. Its more importantly related to the Independence of all the countries in the world. Whether its the name given to a very important occasion or much more is to be done to enjoy the day in its very true sense.
Let us all began with me, Yes of course your own, your very near, Me your Friend, Kumar.
Independence while moving on Road to Delhi-
While driving my car from Panipat to Delhi, I asked my friend if he wanted to listen some patriotic songs. He nodded his had in a bit of discomfort and maintained that still there are some days left for the Independence day to come than why not listen some soft melodies of 90s, till then? I was stunned by his reply and without contemplating, I made him listen what he wanted to. My focus was very much on the busiest national Highway of India .But the series of questions kept on pounding somewhere deep in my heart.
Surely they were related to why we usually refrain from hearing Patriotic songs? Are these meant only to be listened on a particular day or only meant for Particular moment?
What happened Kumar? You are very silently driving the car with no usual comments on the lyrics of the songs or even the sweet sound of Lata Didi, I was perturbed, and the silence of minutes was broken. Just fine, Jeetu, I was concentrating much hard on the road and moreover the drizzling rain has whispered me for more concentration, I suppose, I replied my friend.
Independence Day of India and the Events-
What about the preparation of the programme being called in the Light of Independence Day, I asked him? As a president of the association, I have selected some packages for the Children’s which will include games, musical chair competition for children’s, ladies and gents group. Added to this will be a good Lunch, which we all will prefer too, as I have inquired, he looked pretty confident while stating to me. Very fine, I replied him. Having some discomfort urging me to inquire furthermore, I asked him what special about its relation with Independence Day? He laughed loudly and replied its being celebrated on the same day what more to correlate than?
I gazed at him, in silence probably wanted to ask him what is relevant in his organizing the event in the name of Independence day when there is no subject to soar the thoughts of what exactly independence means, no literature to educate the young ones to make them learn that legacy of independence has cost lot to us. And most importantly they have much to do to maintain it and Let India move on a swift track.
Independence Day along with ethical and motivating Cultural Programmes-
Undoubtedly the absence of any ethical and motivating cultural programmes to awake the collected masses from their literal sleep of many years in lieu to break the shackles of present Indian system and to get it revived as per the requirement of the modern India, were not there. But we were told that the DEL Association was organising a Cultural Programme on Independence Day with an ambition to celebrate Independence Day. Is it an irony or a perfect Independence Day celebration?
Wish you all the best, I replied him but maintained that perhaps you need to analyse again , Jeetu, whether everything is correct and motivational as perhaps required for celebration of Independence Day. I am a businessman, and my focus is to sell the matter which sells to quench the demand, but not the ideologies. Thanks for the ride, but do attend and not miss the occasion. He enthusiastically reverted while opening the Door of the Car, as we were in front of his residence.
Independence day of India-
Independence Day and Modern concepts-
A few moments off, I was on the road again, near Pitampura, My sister lives here. I thought of giving her the surprise and parked my car. I pressed the bell and the Door was wide open, oh. Tinku mama, come in, what a surprise, my niece lauded her voice, and she glittered. What were you doing, I asked her? Hope, I have not disturbed you? No, was the reply. Suhani is a brilliant student and is a typical bookworm. What are your school promotions for the independence day? and where is your mother?, I inquired.
Mummy has gone to attend her dance practice, as our entire colony is holding a Cultural programme on the eve of Independence Day. Unlike in our school where our school is going to hold final sports day. Obviously, my house is a green house, and I have participated in Art competition and group dance competition, she enthusiastically replied. I asked her, if her school was arranging some lecture regarding Independence Day, and its various related subjects. No, she replied,
these researches can be done by Google or related engine, Mama, the world has changed? You get a lot of stuff there, surfing on online provide you very good contents, than why to waste time in reeling into those subjects? She further added.
Independence Day and Public celebration-from the pages of Independence day of India-
I apparently thought that, someone has probably smashed my ideologies. To that of My Love to my land. Those flavors of song, those staunch speeches which literally surged your feelings to do anything for your country. What, if the people are busy in celebrating the independence in their own way, they have every right to do. Now because they are independent, an unjustified but factual reality overwhelmed my thoughts. Unjustified because the celebration just carried the name of Independence Day but the deeds were far different from what ought to be. Can the Google surfing and the contents have the potency to create the heaps of emotional tides as the related Patriotic songs, the vibrant speeches by the authentic persons can do still remains to be replied?
But surpassing question which kept on perturbing me, was whether this celebration is all on the right track to celebrate Independence, when the people are desperate? They are in worries related to their future, and the English has gained its fascination over the Hindi (I am also writing in English)? Just handful are ruling seemingly without any moral? While others are gaining lot than what they ought too? Few businessman are billionaires while common man is struggling for Bread and Butter? Politics is still beholden by one who affirms the old age adage which says that “politics is the last game of the scoundrel” Is this the Perfect style of celebration of the Independence Day?
After completing a very tasty masala Tea with snacks, prepared by my nephew, I told her that, I am in haste to leave to Agra, as it was raining heavily. And asked for an excuse, which she rightly granted.
Independence day of India-
Independence Day and the Patriotism-
I was on yet another national Highway from Delhi towards my Home, at Agra. Though it was raining outside while my Car wipers making their best effort to help me have good sight on the road, I was enjoying loving to hear my patriotic songs, “ Kar chale hum fida jana tan sathiyon ab tumhare hawale wataan satiyoon.” The martyrs while laying their life from the battlefield greet us with their disposing off from this world and simultaneously gifting us the independence, to live upon. But are these cultural programme and lunch offerings on the Independence Day are the True tributes to the martyrs and hence the celebration of India’s Independence Day?
Just open the Glass, symbolized an Old man, while nearing to my Car standing in Toll Plaza, I followed his instructions, till he quickly tightened a small flag on my shirt, It read Celebrating India’s Independence. I asked him there are couple of day still left for 15th of August to come, he admitted the same but replied that this is the gearing of the biggest Festival of India and the celebrations henceforth initiate 7 days prior to the date of Independence Day as do with Christmas, Diwali and Ramyzan Id.
My Opinion of what may be called the True Independence, which we are yet to achieve? from the pages of Independence day of India-
Perhaps he was Right we can celebrate other religious celebrations only because we are independent. But the independence in real terms is seemingly superficial and hence it is gradually losing its charm other than its being mentioned as a national holiday on the calendar.
The reel of real independence lies in follows.
- True Governance. The governance owes for working in the interest of the downtrodden and issues various data’s in support. But those data’s are to be questioned out, AND literary masses of India should move ahead and ask the relevance of Data relating to Governance, its expenditures, their references, new releases and mark their flaws, if any. They should come out to break the shackles in the interest of the country, and not only their own, till it becomes too late.
- Revision of the entire Constitution of India to suit for the modern day world. Even the rapist and the terrorist are kept in Prison for the years. Is this the Constitution of the Independent India which allows them to live after even committing such heinous crime?
- Stand in groups and stand against any imperialistic attitude – Collect yourself in masses and make appeal if anything surpasses your independent thoughts, call media, File RTI etc. Mind you that even the Police cannot charge any opposition, file your oppositions and make these so called visionary leaders to realise the fact of their doings.
- Create a reform day for twice a Month, Start practicing reforms. Who says that India has no religion, Hinduism is India’s religion. Don’t accept Bhagat singh to be born in your neighbourhood but enlighten your sleeping souls to move towards realistic Independent India. Join Hands together and realise our internal Powers. We cannot rely on others for bringing true Independence but it’s we only, who can bring it. Start charging yourself, your motherland will change.
True Independence-
The Key is to develop groups and march for what is the best for your country and you. That march will bring you the True Independence where you will have limited Taxes to pay, budgetary rates on fuel, good training works shops, healthy banking, obviously not based on pressure tactics, Police station which will not fear you but will help you, scoundrel thrown out of power and the legitimate to win. Perhaps a true Independence, till let the so called leaders to announce what they announce under our National Flag as they have nothing but just references to draw us from the True day to day oppressions of ours.
To Know more Please read India’s Independence and relevant inspiring facts.
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