Guide to Indian tourism is dedicated to all our friends, brothers and sisters living in this world. Undoubtedly, it’s their website developed by us for all of them irrespective of any Cast, religion or creed. It is all yours. Unlike others, The motive of the website, Guide to Indian tourism is to share a common Platform. Here we will try to discover India, with you subsequently you to discover yourself.
Vision of our Guide to Indian Tourism
We want you to have a healthy body. We also want you to have a good immune system along with reincarnated Soul full of Energy. In addition, to save our Mother Nature, we also want all of us to collectively work. We wish for you to acknowledge the Ancient Indian system of living, the oldest in the world.We will not only make you acquainted with the required Indian Architecture, but also with Art of Living. We will also provide you the zest from the study of Ages of Natural Ayurveda and Yoga.
Besides providing you the virtual tour, we will simultaneously share the Facts and Practices of Art of Living. Likewise the Indian Vedic Literature, which has a History of more than 3500 years.
Talk of Guide to Indian Tourism
The Guide to Indian Tourism will talk on exploring the entire Indian History, its Architecture, Heritage, and the Nature, at its best. More importantly it will also explore medication, meditation and Yoga, derived from the age’s of old literature. Furthermore, this, if practiced at your end will surely reincarnate you. We absolutely believe that this virtual tour will provide with glimpses of Indian Heritage. In addition, It will not only help you in self realization but also reincarnate your Soul..
Belief of Guide to Indian Tourism
We importantly believe that the Posted blogs will enthral you with Indian Heritage and Nature Bliss. They will also help you in developing strong immune system. These will definitely help in developing a passionate bond with the Mother Nature. The posted Blogs at the regular interval will clearly deal with varied related topics.
Guide to Indian Tourism will indeed conduct virtual Tour. These will obviously help in regenerating the lost energies. They will also revive you in every respect. Additionally, They will reshape your Physique.
Works and Researches of Indian Tourism
We have deciphered Ancient Ayurveda, yoga and meditation. The passion will be shared with you because it is especially for you, through the Blog Posts.
Most importantly, we only want to share these methodologies and see that you live a life in bliss. Also, the positive vibrations endowed with the feeling of freshness and enthusiasm in every moment of life, etc. This Enable you to create a positive environment, much required in today’s world. This Art of living will not only shower the bliss on your life but will also make a way to nurture our Planet, “The Earth”
Ideology of Guide to Indian Tourism
Undoubtedly, the ideology behind the Guide to Indian Tourism is to cultivate a culture of healthy living. Through which you will be living in peace, with devotion towards humanity. Where the fear and sorrow will never Pound you. We will request you to only invest some part of time and follow our Blogs only.
Follow Ayurveda, use Ayurvedic medicines, ointments, oils for massage. Furthermore, Also follow Yoga, start keeping yoga matts with you, have healthy food habits. Start following meditation, use peculiar type of clothes, listen enchanting mantras. The rest is inevitable; it will come as it had come in the Past of the Ancient India, in India.
Focus of Guide to Indian Tourism on purchase of selected quality Products
We have indeed selected some online Branded shopping sites, for you. The links provided Obviously, only after using them. . Hence we will advise you to purchase the said commodities from them. Many links have been provided for your help in our SERVICE TAB.
To save our Planet, ‘The Earth’ an Oath of Guide to Indian Tourism
You will be astounded to know that our scrupulous deeds such as deforestation, building of dams etc. In addition to our shrewdness towards wild life, our life style against the law of nature. Relevance can be concluded from examples of night culture, late night sleeps, etc.
Blistering ego, ideologies of possession, also to subjugate etc. has activated the feeling of obsession. This has made a vicious circle around a Man, who is now running to fulfill his endless desires.
These and alike reasons are responsible for calamities in its various forms as have been noticed. To quote we can take the example of the Storm, drought, earthquakes, volcanoes which are a fear for the existence of many regions on Earth.
To Eliminate the causes of Natural Disaster,an initiative by the Guide to Indian Tourism
Unlike the catastrophe caused by these in our past, now we can stop them by ourselves. Only some positive efforts are required. Not much time and investment. By Plantation, being human to wildlife, believing in principle of sharing and love, we can initiate. Furthermore, our studies reveal that we have to tune our style of living with that of mother Nature’s Law etc. This will also save our Mother Nature besides saving us.
Spread the belief to live a healthy life based on self medication and meditation. Stop spending your hard earned money on medicines. Just focus on the environment around you, undoubtedly you are the one who is going to change it to final Bliss.
Enthralling Topics which the Site Covers –
The website in the name of Guide to Indian Tourism has much more to explore. The Guide to Indian Tourism speaks of the Indian history, the geographical details, climate, regional temperatures, the diversity in culture, customs, traditions, etymology of the states, the luring destinations for tourism , food culture, and finally the Blog posting to fresh you, with day to day Topics. More importantly the Guide to Indian Tourism disintegrates the Indian Region for your better understanding of India.
These are East & Northeast region, Northern region, Southern region and Western region. Every topic under the particular region explores every detail for you. This mainly includes the History of the region from the pages of Privileged Ancient India. The updated topography to provide you with unfolding nature along with its beauty. Definitely it also accustoms you with a rich diversity in culture. The unique contents are:
About us –
The Guide to Indian Tourism provides you the Link to unleash the motive of the site, .
Contact us –
The link is designed by Guide to Indian Tourism to make you connects us through mail and other social Networks.
Service Tab –
The link is provided by Guide to Indian Tourism to help you selected Online Purchase Platforms. These are selected for you.
Blog Post –
The Guide to Indian Tourism provides you Blogs. The Blog Post is the link to provide you with our latest topics on the subjects to help you lead Life in Bliss. Learn Mediation, Yoga, Self Medication, Time management, Mother Nature. The topics are to reincarnate your Life. Also learn of Cure to Covi19, An interesting Story –who are you and much more. Stay connected to Guide to Indian Tourism.
Virtual Tours –
Guide to Indian Tourism through this link takes you to the start virtual Journey through images and content. Guide to Indian Tourism has made every effort to be Virtual. Virtual Journey will commence through the Blogs to make you tour India, also.
East and North- East India–
The Guide to Indian Tourism familiarizes you with every important required details. This is the most unique feature. It details with the History of North-East India, since its Ancient times. Almost from 7000 Years back. The foremost important thing is that it connects you from 7000 back to the existing North East India.
Various other important Topics and details like History, Topography, climate, Nature, temperature are classified. Most importantly we have used distinguish style for clarity of subject matter. This mind absorbing and it’s done by decoying images. As we all now Pictures speak louder than voice.
The content is designed to make you explore the culture diversities, spoken languages, practiced Arts and Cuisines. The vivid images detail you further.
Finally the Etymology of the East Indian and North-East Indian States falling in the region is also mentioned.
East India –
The guidetoindiantourism.com gives you insight about the History of East India, since its Ancient Times. The content unleashes the first battle of the Indian emperor with the Britishers, ’The Battle of Plassey’ . The content relates East Indian history from the Ancient India till the present stage.
North India –
The content provided shapes a link from Ancient India to modern North India. It makes you explore the various dynastic rules, also. More importantly the names of the contemporary regions used in the Ancient Indian history are detailed here. The name of these regions is also related to their present name. This simplifies your knowing of the exact location of the History.
Various other important Topics and details of Northern India like History, Topography, climate, Nature, temperature are classified. Most importantly we have used distinguish style for clarity of subject matter. This mind absorbing and it’s done by decoying images. As we all now Pictures speak louder than voice.
The content is designed to make you explore the culture diversities, spoken languages, practiced Arts and Cuisines. The vivid images detail you further.
The Etymology of the North Indian States falling in the region is also mentioned.
South India –
The content links you from Ancient India to modern South India. It makes you explore the various dynastic rules, also. More importantly the names of the contemporary regions used in the Ancient Indian history are detailed here. The name of these regions is also related to their present name. This simplifies your knowing of the exact location of the History.
Various other important Topics and details of South India like History, Topography, climate, Nature, temperature are classified. Most importantly we have used distinguish style for clarity of subject matter. This mind absorbing and it’s done by decoying images. As we all now Pictures speak louder than voice.
The content is designed to make you explore the culture diversities, spoken languages, practiced Arts and Cuisines. The vivid images detail you further.
The Etymology of the South Indian States falling in the region is also mentioned.
West India –
The content provided shapes a link from Ancient India to modern West India. It makes you explore the various dynastic rules, also. More importantly the names of the contemporary regions used in the Ancient Indian history are detailed here.
Various other important Topics and details of Western India like History, Topography, climate, Nature, temperature are classified. Most importantly we have used distinguish style for clarity of subject matter. This mind absorbing and it’s done by decoying images. As we all now Pictures speak louder than voice.
The content is designed to make you explore the culture diversities, spoken languages, practiced Arts and Cuisines. The vivid images detail you further.
The Etymology of the West Indian States falling in the region is also mentioned.
Our Gratitudes
We pay our gratitude to the entire Team of Guide to Indian Tourism who indefatigably worked days and nights for this Noble cause. We are also thankful to the entire team of Google for revolutionizing the concept of searching. Besides, providing a common Gigantic Platform, also. Because of which it’s easier to put down the thoughts and messages, with a click, to the world. Similarly Bing, Yahoo, Baidu Yandex, Ask.com and others, also. We are also grateful to many websites like Wikipedia, shodhganga for helping us with their content researches.
To Conclude
Last but not the least; try to create coherence between you and the Mother Nature. Try to create warmness and affection. Let the positive vibrations to flow. These will surely carry the energy. Energy required to transverse the Earth to an Abode of self esteemed People. With People who live in all peace and love. Furthermore they collectively work in the interest of Humanity. Cannot Our Planet Earth be transverse to “The Abode of Paradise” ?
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