“be one for whom the Mother is God, be one for whom the Father is God, be one for whom the Teacher is God, be one for whom the guest is God.”

Herbal Remedies, massage, exercise, and spiritual practice can balance and repair the body

Basic Elements of Earth

Indian VedaS




Namaste to all our Friends, Brothers and Sisters living within India and outside India. We Feel Privilege to invite you for the Total Tour of India.
Guide to Indian Tourism
Guide to Indian Tourism is website designed for you all, Brothers and sisters living within India and outside India. We feel privilege to invite you for the Total Tour of India. This is a unique site. We will be dealing with Virtual Tours to Discover India. We will also be positively dealing to make you competent enough to attain Good Health. Most importantly we will try to teach you to live in Bliss. We will do this by unleashing pages from the Indian Art of Living. The Study of Indian Heritgae is now for you all.
We will make very effort to make you surely Love the nature and your Body. Thus to attain you complete Bliss.
Friends, India is not only the country of snake charmers but its far beyond that. It’s a country inheriting the history of more than 9500 Years.
Guide to Indian Tourism 2 explore Culture – Culture of Vasudev kutumbakam –
We feel honour to mention that phrase; “VasudevKutumbkam” is endowed in our culture from the very childhood. It means that irrespective of the superfluous boundaries and barriers separating the human beings. Separating them from country to country. And from state to state etc. The entire world is our paradise and hence everyone should be treated as our own.
Guide to Indian Tourism 2 explore Ideology – Ideology of Athithi devo bhava continues inspite of Daunting Losses. –
The history of this holy Land is more than 9500 years Old. But through the ages we believe in ideology of Athithidevobhava. The meaning of Athithidevobhava is that guest is god, prescribes a dynamic of the host–guest relationship. This undoubtedly personifies the traditional Indian Hindu-Buddhist philosophy of venerating guests with same respect as god.
This ideology is very much responsible for the daunting losses of looting of this land, in Past. The natives paved the way to the foreigners with respect and love. But they betrayed the innocence of the Natives for their materialistic approach. Yet, the ideology of Athithidevobhava remains in the blood of every Indian. This shows their inclination towards spiritualism. This is only the main treasure for paving a way to Bliss.
Guide to Indian Tourism 2 explore, why this land is termed holy? –
A very simple answer to this question is that this is only the Land where Lord Krishna, as infant has ate mud of this Land. This is birth place of Lord Rama, Krishna, Mahavir, Buddha, Gurunanak and so on. The people irrespective of their caste, colour, creed are taught hear the voice of their Divine soul. Though the land has many religion, yet the moral of them is unique. That is to personify the soul and act accordingly. The offering to the Almighty are taught from the very adolescence. Moreover the average people believe and Practice spiritualism and are not very much materialistic.
Guide to Indian Tourism 2 explore Land of Vedas, Upanishads and many awesome literature –
Enriched by a very rich Art of Living, the Indian literature speaks of Spiritualism and the ways to attain it. Vedas written 3500 years back followed by , Upanishad and Puran. Literature of Medication and Meditation in form of Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Yoga.
This imparts a healthy and cultured life, in addition to paving a way for a permanent Bliss. For spiritual learning by means of Epics in the name of Ramayana, Mahabharat, Geeta, etc. All these dominantly speak about the Philosophy of Indian patronage which relentlessly personifies the humanity of this land. The process established through the ages yet continues.
Guide to Indian Tourism 2 explore, why and what for this Land of India must be visited?
Friends, we are very sure that before reading our this Article, you might have surveyed various books, channels, Videos, websites, in lieu to schedule your Visit for tour to India. Unlike others, Our motive is to enrich you so that on a day you may well say that Now, we have discovered India.
Our Thoughts-
We have come up with an ideology to spread the entire mechanism learned by deciphering, the literature, to the world. This will definitely eliminate the sufferings of the people. Together, we will also keep on refreshing you by taking you to virtual tour through the Posted Blogs and Videos.
Blogs will be posted for you–
We will keep in touch with you by writing Blogs to make you explain about India. Because once you come along us, you will feel that your soul personification has started. We all will travel through this journey. Don’t be afraid it won’t cost you a penny. It will be a virtual tour, Only.
You have only to adopt certain procedures while starting the Tour. And during our Tour, also. These will not only enrich you in every sense but also accustom you with the Privileged Indian culture and Tradition. This will make a you from where you can live with a New Style. New Art of Living, for a perfect bliss even after in the Period of Post Covid 19.
Our motive for making this website–
Guide to Indian Tourism is to take you on this virtual tour of India so that you may enjoy the moments of life with us before physically coming to India. And perhaps to live a very new style of life in times to come and which will make you full of new hopes, enthusiasm, free from depression, anxiety and much away from the ever increasing world of Diseases, thus to lead a long and healthy life, with endless joy.
More to learn –
Through the virtual Tours. You are going to learn Indian History of East India, North-east India, North India, South India and West India, Also. The contents also explore the HISTORY, CLIMATE, TOPOGRAPHY, CULTURE AND TEMPERATURE of Varying States/regions. These are to help you to decide your Tours to india. Further the LANGUAGES, ARTS, CUSINES AND ETYMOLOGIES are detailed for you. The unique way of detailing by adding the images is presented to you.
Our Gratitudes –
Guide to Indian tourism pays gratitude to the entire Team of Guide to Indian Tourism who indefatigably worked, They worked days and nights for this Noble cause. We are also thankful to the entire team of Google for revolutionising the concept of searching. Besides, providing a common Gigantic Platform, also. Because of which it’s easier to put down the thoughts and messages, with a click, to the world. Similarly Bing, Yahoo, Baidu Yandex, and others, also. We are also grateful to many websites like Wikipedia, shodhganga for helping us with their content researches.

Our Virtual Touring Journey along with you will start via Posted Blogs. Really they are going to reincarnate you, your entire life style. Just be with us.
For more, we request you to update yourself with our Posted Blogs. These are only meant for you..