Facts of Indo-sino war Mystery
Indo-Sino-war- Introduction –
Facts of Indo-sino war- I have made an attempt to put down the Truth of the Indian History, regarding Indo Sino war. The study is regarding the Indo-sino war. The war history, philosophy of both the countries, reasons responsible for the war, is elaborated. The impact is laid to have the Truth of the Occasion and its result. The focus is also given on the role of the contemporary governance. The role of Indian Governance responsible for land cessation of 38000 Sq.mtrs, to China is laid.
The Chinese governance spanning the Area of Tibet and its forceful annexation is discussed. The truth which negates any Claim of China, along with the Present Territorial Facts are detailed. The Aticle also states the forceful subjugation of the Indian Land, in the name of Aksai-chin.
The absence of true leadership of Indian Governance resulting severe loss is articulated. The weakness in tactical policies, diplomatic failures and dithered willingness of governance are put forward. The mystery of lending of 38000 Sq.km areas is mentioned in light of facts of Indo-Sino war.
My Motive –
I have nothing to do with the Politics. But at the same time, As an Indian, I want to you to of your Friends and foe. As an Indian, I believe that Aksai-Chin is our Land .we can surely get it. We will keep on blogging the ways to achieve it. You are all requested to adopt and spread it. This is for our Country, our Mother land, India.
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Let us initiate with the Topic – Facts of Indio Sino war
The Psychology of the Chinese in Light of facts of Indo Sino War–
The History of the Chinese reveals that they were the Traders and opportunists by nature. The various Chinese, who visited India, were astounded to see the beauty of the India and Indian Physique. The Indian prosperity lured them. Only China was the country whose GDP hovered around Indian GDP.
The Chinese GDP was eventually left far behind, till the period when India lost its Independence. The GDP of India was 24.5% .( approx) before the Britishers subjugated India. After independence, the Indian GDP was about 3.6%. The Chinese leader always considered India as their Competitor but not as their friendly neighbor. But the Indians always believed Chinese as a good neighbor with a brotherhood.
The Chinese aspiration to be the World’s leader, in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
The Chinese importantly realized the Indian assets and their Trade Potential. They constantly had fear. Fear from the Potential of the India and the Indians. Hence, The Chinese wanted to political and economical subjugation of India. The Chinese governance always wanted a Pathetic, submissive and dependent India. Therefore, After India’s Independence, Chinese started engaging India in Territorial disputes. This very thought of the Chinese Leader is backed by evidence. It’s evident in the letters of Chinese Prime Minister, Zhou Enlai to Mr. Nehru, Indian Prime minister.
Zhou Enlai, quoted map of 1929 of Encyclopedia Britannica showing the disputed territory as Chinese territory. Some Chinese maps before 1935 showed NEFA (i.e. Arunachal Pradesh) as part of India. And since then as part of Tibet.
Historical evidences of the NEFA{North-East Frontier Agency or NEFA} as a Part Of India – Region of NEFA in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War.
Following evidences negate the Chinese Claim- in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War.
Ancient evidences – in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War –
The region of North- East Indian states has its borrowings from the Ancient history. it relates to Parushuram, almost more than 9500 years, old. The Chinese Traveler, Xuanzang, in 7th century, mentions the Place in the name of Kamrupa. He also mentions the existence of Siachin. However,He never mentions any North east frontier of Himalayas to be the Part of China.
The surveys and the books of Contemporary Period –-in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War –
Alexander Mackenzie , responsible to designate the Land as North – East Frontier
Alexander Mackenzie, probably the first person to designate the Land as North- East Frontier. He submitted Memorandum to the Government on the North-East Frontier of Bengal in 1869 . His book, ‘ History of the Relations of the Government with the Hill Tribes on the North-East Frontier of Bengal’, was published by the Bengal Government in 1884. Some writers also called it the ‘Eastern Frontier’.
The Book clearly marks the region of NEFA as the hilly region from Bhutan to Burma. This region after Post Anglo- Burmese war (1824-26), was under the sovereign rule of the British India. The Survey of India (1883) depicted the disputed tribal areas as de facto administered by British India. British and Indian maps since 1914 have usually followed the McMahon Line.
Sir Henry McMahon and Macmohan line between India and China – -in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War –
Sir Henry McMahon, secretary in the Indian foreign department and representative of Great Britain held a conference. This was held in 1912–13 in Simla (now called Shimla, in the state of Himachal Pradesh). He called China and Tibet to settle frontier issues. And other matters relating to Tibet, also.
To the British, the line marked the geographic, ethnic, and administrative boundary between the two regions. These were namely British India and China. This line hence is referred as Macmohan line.
The delegates from Great Britain, China, and Tibet agreed on the frontier Line. This line between Tibet and north-eastern India comprehended to follow the crest of the high Himalayas. Two days later, however, the Chinese republican government disavowed its delegate and refused to sign a convention.
To Conclude- in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
The Claims of the China are only the sheer attempts to prove NEFA or Arunachal Pradesh. And the hilly Areas of the Indian Frontier as the Part of the China. Supposing, If the Chinese claims are accepted, the Indian-Chinese border would restrict margin to Assam plain. And this is perfectly incorrect, likewise his other declarations, also. These are a mere false representation of China. Probably, these are made by Chinese governance. Only to quench his thirst of territorial aggressions. These fake representations are responsible for their illegitimate expansions, also.
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Tibet – A captivated land under China- China believes that Tibet is the Part of the China. But legally it’s a sovereign and independent state.
History of Tibet –
An unheard Alarm by the Contemporary governance- in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
The Tibetan Empire emerged in the 7th century. However, with the fall of the empire the region soon divided into a variety of territories. The bulk of western and central Tibet (Ü-Tsang) was often nominally unified. This was under a series of Tibetan governments in Lhasa, Shigatse, or nearby locations.
The eastern regions of Kham and Amdo often maintained a more decentralized indigenous political structure. This being divided among a number of small principalities and tribal groups. These were besieged by the Chinese rule after the Battle of Chamdo. Most of this area was eventually incorporated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai. However, the current borders of Tibet were established in the 18th century.
Xinhai Revolution- Never a Part of China –
Following the Xinhai Revolution against the Qing dynasty in 1912, Qing soldiers were disarmed. They were escorted out of Tibet Area (Ü-Tsang). The region subsequently declared its independence in 1913. They never asked recognition by the subsequent Chinese Republican government. Later, Lhasa took control of the western part of Xikang, China. This establishes the fact that Tibet was never a Part of China.
South Tibet as a Part of India –
In 1914 the Tibetan government signed the Simla Accord with Britain, ceding the South Tibet region to them. The Chinese government denounced the agreement as illegal
Battle of Chamdo, the forgotten truth- in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
The Tibet region maintained its autonomy until 1951. When, following the Battle of Chamdo, was waged by the Chinese. Tibet was occupied and incorporated into the People’s Republic of China. The previous Tibetan government was abolished in 1959 after a failed uprising.
Today, China governs western and central Tibet as the so called Tibet Autonomous Region. The eastern areas are now mostly ethnic autonomous prefectures within Sichuan, Qinghai and other neighboring provinces. There are tensions regarding Tibet’s political status and dissident groups. The groups that are active in exile. Tibetan activists in Tibet have reportedly been arrested or tortured.
Massacre of Tibetans and destruction of the Monasteries –
The peaceful Buddhist country of Tibet was invaded by Communists China in 1949. Since that time, over 1.2 million out of 6 Million Tibetans have been killed. Over 6000 monasteries have been destroyed. And thousands of Tibetans have been imprisoned, by the Chinese PLA.
Present Legal Status of Tibet –
The annexation of Tibet by the People’s Republic of China is called the “Peaceful Liberation of Tibet” by the Chinese government. However the Tibetan Government in Exile maintains it to be the “Chinese invasion of Tibet” .
From a legal standpoint, Tibet has to this day not lost its statehood. It is an independent state under illegal occupation. Neither China’s military invasion nor the continuing occupation has transferred the sovereignty of Tibet. The government of Tibet, in exile, also claims it.
Point of Observation –– in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War –
The Indian governance was surprisingly not shaken by the aggression of China. They never foresighted Chinas aggression. They were unable to learn any lesson from the ruthless war waged by the Chinese governance on Tibet.
Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s inability to foresee the PRC’s (Peoples Republic of China) aggression. His failure in capitalizing the opportunities – in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War
The china was in relentless aggression. However the contemporary Prime Minister of India was unable to foresee Chinese thirst of aggression. He was also incapable to utilize the opportunity of Chinese war against America and Russia, in concern with Korea.
The first Alarm of China which Prime Minister unheard – in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War –
The PLA Army of China crossed McMahon Line on August 26, 1959. They Captured an Indian outpost at Longju, a short distance south of the line. They however abandoned that outpost in 1961. But no remarkable resort of Diplomatic and tactical development by Indian Governance, are evident.
In Light of facts of Indo Sino War -India-Sino war, a mystery ? –
Waged by the PLA Army and ceased by PLA Army – But India losses approx 38000 Sq.Km of Land- For understanding this mystery we need to understand certain Facts
The learning and Philosophy of Pandit Jawhar Lal Nehru in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
The India was leaded by a Prime Minister who only knew one Philosophy. His learning were based on Early twentieth-century developments. He believed that great powers that were ostracized became a source of instability. In an era that saw the unveiling of nuclear bombs, the cost of a unsatisfied PRC would be tragic. Hence it was better to resolute with PRC than to be against it. This was probably a driving force due to which Mr. Nehru supported Chinas permanent membership in UN, also.
This asserts the temperament of Mr. Nehru. His self belief and willingness to fight against the Chinese.
Further the speech of Mr. Nehru in the Parliament in praise of China- in Light of facts of Indo Sino War – to quote his words -1950 – in Parliament –
In 1950, he had stated in the Indian parliament. “Can anyone deny China at the present moment the right of a Great Power from the point of view of strength and power?. He further stated that she is a Great Power, regardless of whether you like or dislike it.” He underlined that the PRC was a “well-established fact”. And that excluding the PRC from Security Council was an “unrealistic state of affairs.”
Mr. Nehru’s urge for support to the Britishers and America – in Light of facts of Indo Sino War-
During the war – The Prime Minister soon realized the Trauma of the surging PLA troops in India. He was also falsely advocated to avoid the usage of Air force and Navy. The reason was to save the other Parts of India like Calcutta etc. from further massacre.
America and the Britishers nodded for the support. Mr. Zhou Enlai, soon realized the fact and fear. He then acted smartly. Thus seized the war with a promise to maintain the status quo, by moving back to the LAC ( Line of Actual control).
Why Mr. Nehru ceded an Area of about 38000 Sq. Km -in Light of facts of Indo-Sino War? . Just understand following facts.
China banns India’s Forward Patrols from 30th April, 1962 in Light of facts of Indo Sino War –
Chinese military action grew increasingly aggressive. Most importantly when India rejected proposed Chinese diplomatic settlements throughout 1960–1962. Therefore China re-commenced previously-banned “forward patrols” in Ladakh from 30 April 1962.
On 10 July 1962, 350 Chinese troops surrounded an Indian post in Chushul (north of the McMahon Line). They then withdrew after a heated argument via loudspeaker. On 22 July, the Forward Policy was extended to allow Indian troops to push back Chinese troops. The Chinese troops who were already established in disputed territory.
But the Point to be noted is that what was Mr. Nehru and Mr. Paul doing on diplomatic front and Army front ?. They had ample of time before the war actually started. Surprisingly, the plan of Indian Diplomatic and Military reassertions do not even show the glimpses of the Indian Stand?
Final Indio Sino War
China finally abandoned all attempts of peaceful resolution on 20 October 1962. The PLA Army thus invading disputed territory along the 3,225 kilometre- (2,000-mile-) long Himalayan border in Ladakh. And across the McMahon Line. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theatres. As a result, capturing Rezang La in Chushul in the western theatre, as well as Tawang in the eastern theatre. The war ended when China declared a ceasefire on 20 November 1962. China simultaneously announced its withdrawal to its claimed “Line of Actual Control”.
This is preety shocking . The truth is that Mr. Zhou Enlai, himself withdraws the war. He simultaneously announces to reinstate Line of Actual Control. For which good reason can he ask for acquisition of Indian Area of 38000 Sq. Km.?. what was the cause of India’s surrender of Large Area? The question also arises that why did India returned the acquired Area of Pakistan ?.
The significant difference is that neither the Indian Governance nor their Military surrendered in 1962 Indo –sino war. But India Lost a huge Area, why?. However, India could never acquire area when Pakistani Governance and their Military surrendered, why? This asks for explanation.
Have you ever heard that a winning Troop leader in war declares the Cease fire? This is a question which needs its justification. When Mr. Zhou Enlai himself declared Cease fire, what forced Mr. Nehru to surrender the Very large Area ? This is a mystery. Just keep on asking them till they unveil the Truth, who follow Mr. Nehru.
Conclusion –
We have the ability to shake the world. Regaining of Aksai-chin is meagre a matter of maximum of 3 years only.
- Stop using Chinese material.
- Realize the Indian Brands and use them. At least your money will remain in your country.
- Start self development. You can refer our previous blogs for this.
- Think before you invest or spend your Single Penny. Always picture about many brothers and sisters of India, who are living in Poverty. Probably, your one bill of Star Hotel, can provide an earnings of 7 days for many people.
- Shed your ego- Start managing vehicles with your neighbors. This will initiate and help you in creating a close Bond. Stop investing on Cars and motor bikes. Encourage the use of bicycles.
- Start creating groups i.e. Group of Business houses, Yoga, etc.
- Make a very convenient environment for your root bottom labors. Manage Seminars and Sill development program for them.
- Initiate Skill developing periodic schedules. Speak with your technical persons. Show them what and how good products are made (The labor has very much potential but he is not literate). Speak to them, and transit your literature.
- Focus on Time management. Don’t make them works for hours. But make them work for qualitative gain in shortest time span.
- Keep writing letter/ mails to ministry about your working/ your Banker/ create a bond. They are bound to listen you. Here the strength of your group will work.
World History and Self dependent India –
The world history infers that no governance can change the destiny of the inhabitants. Not possible, unless the inhabitants make a vital promise to themselves to change it. Japan is an example. Japan could only succeed because Japanese, after World War II realized the Path. The Path to grow the shattered economy. The realization of Japanese was by creating an Aura, an environment of growth with an Ideology. The basic ideology was to Use, utilize and purchase which was grown or made in Japan, only. Let us initiate. Just believe in your goods, your market and explore the ideas to export them. But not import. Don’t use any imported items.
My assurance-
I will surely try to update the Art of Self dependence, in my coming blogs. Till then, Stay Healthy, be very positive. This is the time of new morning of a Bright India. It is just to happen.
Vanda Mattra
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