How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health,Explore Now
How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health is a 100% result oriented Study. How to start and all the related contents are mentioned Free 2 you. The Guide to Indian tourism has provided the zest of the researches of many years . You have just to read more importantly to understand and undoubtedly to practice it .
You are bound to get awesome results. Just initiate.
Introduction for How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health
How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health , Explore Now. Undoubtedly Explores with very basics of how to start for good health along with the Understanding of Mother Nature. It not only discusses the basics but also the time management. The time management required to be followed by you in general, more importantly, in the Post Covid 19. It will indeed help you to not only neutralize its effects on your body but also in providing you a very strong immune system. It should be noted that before preparing yourself for any Tour or External Activities, just follow the basics and keep on moving.
5 Basic Elements of Earth –
The Planet Earth constitutes of 5 Basic elements, namely the earth, the Sky, the Water, the Fire and the Air. These elements can be termed as divine because of their availability in abundance. They are self present and not created by us. Furthermore, since the formation of the Planet, Earth and these elements have more importantly constituted the Mother Nature. Undoubtedly they all together constitute the Human body. This Human body will definitely remain healthy and lead long life devoid of diseases, if we understand the Mother Nature. And resolute our Body as per the Law of Mother Nature. Most importantly you are required to balance, Kauf, Pitha and Vayu,
(Details discussed in upcoming blogs)
Our Suggestions for Best 3 ways for Good Health –
We suggest you to purchase the said commodities from the links provided under our SERVICE TAB. You have many options for online purchase. Like that of Ayurveda herbs/medicines, Yoga Mats, a defined pattern of clothes, books or literature etc. from the selected Authentic Online Shopping Sites. They are exclusively selected for you. The reason of their selection is the faith on their utilised Products. Since they have been used by our Team members, research members, hence we have a faith on them. Moreover we don’t want you to compromise with your health issues.
Why I call Nature as the Mother Nature? What is her role in context to How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health
The nature gives us everything which we require mandatorily to live in and that too in abundance. Think of a moment when the, Air stops to flow, similarly, when you cannot drink water to quench your thirst. Also recognise, if the Planet earth stops to provide any minerals and vegetation. Also, if Sky leaves its routine of 24 hours, to give Days and Night, the changing weathers, thus. And finally if the fire leaves to ignite and provide you with required energy to burn.
To conclude –
Nature gives us everything without which we cannot even think of our existence, like a mother who is primarily responsible for her Childs existence and delivers her everything till he is youmg. Therefore Nature is truly termed as Mother Nature. Without the existence of Mother Nature, we cannot even think of our survival.
Namaste to All my brothers and sisters living on this Planet, “The Earth “.
How to start for Good health, find 3 ways, Explore Now :-
This content under the Title, How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health Explore Now: will indeed explore the basic 3 ways for a good health. The subject matter is especially written for you. We call you to just adapt it for 30 -45 days and see the miracle. More importantly you will start filling the results within 5- 7 days after adapting and applying what is narrated here. Without doubts start following. Nothing comes to you unless you do some thing for it. This is Action and reaction theory of Newton. .
– In context to 3 ways for Good Health, What are the laws of Mother Nature? And how can we learn them?
Simple Observations to better understand the Time management in relevance to 3 ways for good health –
In order to learn How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health you definitely need to understand Mother Nature. As such, there is no book written by mother Nature. There are no prescribed rules of Mother Nature. But there is ample of Practical abundance. A Man can definitely learn them by only Observation. A silent observation is only the means of study of Mother Nature, in practicality. More importantly, you realize that everything, unlike A Man, is following some pattern, as a rule. For example, notice the time of rising of the sun, also the time of sunset. Note the time of stars, moon, etc. Also identify the Growth of peculiar vegetation growing all around you at that particular time. Undoubtedly their routine will relentlessly keep on changing as per the seasonal conditions, but will repeat its cycle.
Observe Plants and Birds, their healing technique to better understand the Time management in relevance to How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health –
Just observe The chirping of the Birds and than their time to eat, the time which they leave from their nest. Similarly observe The Art of how the Birds, Plants and animals heal themselves. They obviously don’t have any doctor to visit. They do it themselves either by their saliva or by eating a peculiar form of vegetation. The vegetation available in the vicinity area of the part of the land where they live. This clarifies that these living being know the Art of living. They know what to eat, when to eat and more importantly, self medication. Unfortunately, A man seems to be either irrelevant with this Art or he has forgotten it.
To conclude How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health –
To sum up every living being follows certain natural rules and they know the Art of self medication unlike A Man. A Man who calls himself to be far more civilized and educated than these human being. Though he has developed science and technology, yet he is deprived of the basics of living. He is unable to follow Law of Nature. Besides it seems that he is gradually losing confidence in self medication, unlike these human beings, who know the Art of healing. This indeed is very serious and in addition this is the very first cause of his day to day sufferings of various type. Undoubtedly, you can see the majority of People suffering from either Physical or mental health.
The situation is definitely alarming because the sufferings are increasing with Passing of every single day. A man is losing his vision of love. Love towards Mother Nature, who is the prime cause of his survival. This positively requires proper investigation in lieu to understand the 3 ways for good health.
So the understanding of law of nature and self medication can undoubtedly be termed as one of the first way to start, out of 3 ways to get good health.
– In context to 3 ways for Good Health, What is the meaning of time management, and role of saliva in brief ?
Meaning of time management in context to How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health –
Just as the birds leave their nest in the morning, likewise A Man should leave his Bed in Brahmahurath, time of Helo ( a time generally 45 minutes before the time the Birds leave their nest) . Likewise he should go home by the Time the Birds move to their nest( a time generally 90 minutes before the time the Birds start moving to their nest. Like the Birds and other creatures, he has full day to work. The wisdom of A Man is in realization and adaption of the Law of Mother Nature, Like the Birds, animals, and Trees. Definitely he is to realise that, if he wants to harness the natural energy like other human beings, he is to follow, it as a rule. He has to Obviously adapt it .
If A Man is to live in Peace and harmony, he is required to live in Harmony with the rule of Nature. Otherwise, he will not only suffer with loss of energy but he will also face a wrath of the Natural energy. Take an example of yourself, when you walk against the wind what you observe. Similarly realise if you are sleeping while the surrounding person are not, what happens? In both cases you face certain energy against you. Likewise you are instigating Natural energies against yourself by reacting in opposition, not following their timelines etc.
For what reasons A Man is not able to follow the Law of Mother Nature –
The various study reveal that A Man clearly seems to have forget any such law because of his obsession to full fill his desires. Undoubtedly his desires are endless so his race of achieving them. This has obviously created a vicious circle which breaks with his death in despair. Just take a look around you, you will indeed find a majority of Person running for material, in one form or the other. for example i.e. Luxuries like Big House, Big Car etc. on the cost of losing his permanent Asset, which is his lovely human body, which will carry him till the end of his Journey.
– In context to 3 ways for Good Health , Importance of Saliva in healing of A Man –
Saliva provides the basic properties to the Amalayasya where the acid reacts with it, in a process of digestion. Hence, this saliva is required to be divulged along with luke warm water by Sipping it and by licking your tongue to taste it, especially when you leave bed in Morning. This will heal your digestive problems.
To conclude–
A man is undoubtedly running in obsession to fulfill his desire. He has set his time management to obtain them at the cost of his health and soul. But to have good health, the Ayurveda says to be in harmony with Nature. Rise at the time of Helo, get all the Positive energies right from the early morning (details discussed in upcoming blogs), Unlike others, don’t engage yourself in vicious circle. Move to your home before the sunsets. Adopt this time management for only 30-40 days see the magic. The external material will follow you. Don’t run in obsession, for it. (Details in upcoming blog)Your morning saliva is like gold to you. Don’t waste it. This is definitely the 2nd way to start, out of the Best 3 ways, to get good health.
-In context to 3 ways for Good Health, What do you mean by Native vegetation?
The Mother Nature has explicitly grown the vegetation for you in your surrounding accept some of the areas of Tundra, the regions which are extensively covered with heavy Snowfalls throughout the years and the desert Areas. Undoubtedly, The vegetation found in abundance in particular area during a particular season is termed as the Native vegetation of that season for that region. A man is indeed believed to eat them as per their availability. He is not advised to eat the Vegetation which grows at long distant Areas from his native. The food used by adding preservatives and sold as packaged food should be avoided. The food should be freshly prepared and properly boiled. As a rule you will never find Birds and animals, only relying on native vegetation.
Always use the Native vegetation, to eat which is in abundance and readily available on the part on which you are living. Take it as a rule of Mother Nature. (Details discussed in upcoming blogs)
-In context to 3 ways for Good Health , Why these vegetations cannot be consumed in a raw form as the Animals and Birds, do ?
A contemporary Man is undoubtedly devoid of strong digestive system. His digestive and immune system are far weaker than that of other Human beings in context. Therefore he is advised to Proper wash and dry the vegetation. Than boil it. This will kill the unwanted bacteria and other form of species which may harm the human digestive organs. It’s not correct to say that the Boiling of the vegetable tarnish their Nutrients and thus is not advisable. Especially when you are not aware of the process avoided for growing vegetation is organic or not. Rather the Boiled vegetables don’t carry the germs, pesticides, and other harmful bacteria but contain the amount of supplements required for a healthy body, hence are recommended.
To summarize, we can say that A man is advised to rely on his Native vegetation. He should consume fresh vegetation after Proper cleaning and boiling it. This is the 3rd way to start, out of the 3 ways, for Good health.
-In context to 3 ways for Good Health, What is the best Time management to have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Undoubtedly you can term it as the zest of this content. The morning time to take your food ( not a breakfast, but a very rich food ) is within 4 Hours from the time when the sun rises at that particular Place. A glass of Juice of the seasonal Fruit along with the rich diet based on the grains having protein, carbohydrates, Ghee made from Cow Milk, and alike content is suggested.
Lunch is suggested after 6 -7 Hours of your morning intake, more importantly, the Lunch should consist of Curd. For those living ih Hot and dry weather and curd with Pulp of Palak, Jeera, Bathua or any other Leafy vegetable having more of the Iron content, for those living in the cold weathers. A fair amount of Vegetable Salad with vegetables containing Fibers is recommended. More of the Vitamins, a fewer Protein diet is recommended. The grain diet should be less in quantity, during this day time.
The dinner should be very light and based on intake more of the liquid diet having Vitamin, Calcium and Salt supplements.
To conclude –
The principle of intake of nutrients and their timeline carry their relevance with the Sun Energy. (Details in the upcoming blogs)
– In context to How to Start 3 Ways for Good Health , What is the best time management of leaving the bed and going to the Bed ?
Leave the Bed by 4.30 in the morning. Have a luke warm water along with the salvia formed in the night in your mouth, you have not to spit. Freshen yourself by cleaning your teeth, massaging your gums and then massage your entire body with Oil and other ingredients. (Each detail i.e. how to brush, by what to brush, like wise will be discussed in my coming blogs),
Perform Surya Namskar yoga, Kapalbhatti, than some meditation with deep breath. (Each detail will be discussed in my coming blogs) all this work completed till 7.30 in the morning.
Take your heavy breakfast till 8.30 and start your routine work from 9.30 or 10.00.Leave your office/ entire work around 4.00 PM. Move to your Nest have some tea or coffee, than a massage after you have relaxed, at about 5.30 PM , enjoy a luke warm bath till 6.30. Have a liquid diet till 7.00 PM and Then start enjoying your evenings till 9.00 PM in the evening. Sleep till 9,30 PM.
Just follow the above routine only. Post me your comments. I guarantee you that the things will surprise you. You realise the meaning of actual pleasure . What does a good health exactly mean? It will reincarnate you. You will feel, as if you are born, again. Don’t leave these 3 ways to get Good health, if you desire to lead a Healthy and successful life, in a bliss.
Important Note:- Please Refer our concerned Blog Related to The Researches which prove the best ways for good health the topic covers the importance of Ayurveda Yoga and Meditation , as 3 ways for a Perfect Bliss.
Conclusion – Respect and Love Mother Nature–
The very first thing is to adapt the nature, rise early, take deep breath in the morning for some minute, Drink good Amount of water ( 8- 10 liters by sipping it slowly) per day for a normal Man. More importantly start interacting with Mother Nature. Initiate with loving your body and enjoy the bliss at the time of Helo and Dawn. Set your recommended time management. I can surely admit that by adapting this natural phenomenon you will realize that within few days, a certain amount of Positive energy has transferred in you.
You will definitely find that you have become energetic and more potent in every sense to face the Joy and tragedies of the outer world, in a very Positive manner. These forces will gradually increase with the passing time, and slowly your body will start acting as a reservoir of energy and Positive thoughts. After acquiring such type of Potential energy and all the Positivity you can stand as a Halo and spread your energies. No external invasion will dictate your Physique. Not only the diseases such as Pandemic under the name, COVID 19. or chronic diseases such as Cancer, Heart diseases etc. will invade you. More importantly misfortune will stop even to enter where you will walk. But just you start adopting 3 ways for Good health.
The Logic behind adapting The Law of mother Nature, its advantages and disadvantages, healthy eating Habits, how to increase the immune power etc. are some of the eminent subject matter discussed in our next Blog. Please read it to enrich yourself with energies and immune system before commencing a Virtual Tour after Post Covid 19 period.
Considerations –
Use a Yoga mat to sit on the floor, A Jug made of Bronze or terracotta to keep your water; do not use any water from fridge. The Luke warm water is considered to be the best. Clothes made of cotton as the innerwear and also free size clothes in Night are advisable.
Our Gratitudes –
We pay our gratitude to the entire Team of Guide to Indian Tourism who indefatigably worked days and nights for this Noble cause. We are also thankful to the entire team of Google for revolutionising the concept of searching. Besides, providing a common Gigantic Platform, also. Because of which it’s easier to put down the thoughts and messages, with a click, to the world. Similarly Bing, Yahoo, Baidu Yandex, and others, also.
We owe to provide every assistance required to make your tour to India, a complete success . And that too free of cost.
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A Team of Guide to Indian Tourism especially invites you. Best 10 Places to visit at Jodhpur
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Take a very good care of yourself.
Always try to take deep breath, and water in sips, Enjoy.
Our Virtual Touring Journey along with you will start via Posted Blogs. Really they are going to reincarnate you, your entire life style. Just be with us.